A few hours and 16 4-patches later, I get to the design wall finally and realize it's wrong. All wrong. Just ... horribly wrong.
Although charms from the same pack should work together, and everything should go with black and white, in this case I just really hate it. It's just not me. I could plug ahead and make the quilt anyway, but I feel life's too short to make a quilt I hate. So far, I've only sacrificed 2 charm packs (partially) and a few hours. That's not too bad. If I make this quilt, I will have sacrificed many more hours and even more fabric.
I'm not sure what to do with these orphan blocks, though. As I was piecing this, I was listening to Jacquie Gering's talk at QuiltCon 2013 (great lecture, and it's free. Find it on Craftsy), and she was talking about a quilt top that she'd already pieced, that she realized she hated. She cut it up, and made it into something much better. I've never felt compelled to do that before, but in this case, I realize I don't have much to lose. This could become an experiment in improv and design.
Something might come out of this. Or I might put it away and pretend this night never happened. Time will tell.
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