Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Fun with Borders

I've never made a medallion quilt, but I recently pieced a single log-cabin block for a big square pillowcase and I'm currently quilting it in medallion style, with every round a different design. I'm having so much fun practicing all the different border designs I've learned. There's something very easy and calming about quilting borders to me, and that's the fact that I don't have to worry about where to go ... there's only one choice!

I never thought I'd say this, but I really love quilting feathers, in particular custom feathers. I can do basic feathers, but I'm much better at custom feathers (Amish feathers?), funnily enough. It just works better for my brain. I like the process of quilting feathers almost more than I like to look at them. Next to feathers, some designs I love in particular include square chains and S arcs, which I've finally gotten comfortable with after a very awkward first try.

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