Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Delicate Beauty

It's no secret that Brigitte Heitland of Zen Chic is my all-time favorite fabric designer, so I had to start the year with a quilt that features both pattern and fabric designed by her: Delicate Beauty featuring Sphere. Sphere is a really old and out-of-print collection, as it was printed before I started quilting, but I managed to hoard some here and there over the last few years.

I especially love this pattern because of all the non-standard shapes. In fact I was quite intimidated by the pattern initially, but it was a lot easier to make than it looked, and I'm very pleased with the end result.

I had a lot of fun quilting this! I knew I wanted to showcase the space inside the triangles with some free-motion designs, but also knew I wanted a lot of straight line echoes.

The fabric strips were quilted with some wishbone designs, which is something that's relatively easy to execute on the diagonal.

I love this quilt, and it was the perfect one to start the year. I don't know how much quilting I will accomplish this year, but given that I have no desire to piece at the moment, hopefully it means I will be able to at least make a small dent in my pile of quilt tops. Hopefully.


  1. What a beautiful first finish for the year, Liz! I also love how the backing compliments the lighter solid you used on the front of the quilt.

  2. I love all fabrics Zen Chic, also!!! Beautiful fabrics, quilt and quilting, Liz! I just scrolled through all of your posts for this year, going backwards, and am loving everything you made.


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