Tuesday, November 8, 2016

A Breaking of Resolve

I told myself over and over again that November was going to be a good month. Good for the budget, that is. I wasn't going to spend money on fabric in November.

Then this happened ...


I mean, how could I not? At the very least, I always need backing fabric, and they're so expensive. Also, it was a 10 minute drive. I hopped in the car and came home with a whole haul for a huge discount. I felt like I was stealing.

I want to store them on little bolts so they can be organized, as my yardage collection looks really messy at this point. I would have preferred plastic fabric organizers, but they're pricey and I've heard mixed reviews, so I want to wait until I can see them for myself at a show. For now, I got some really cheap comic book boards so hopefully that'll do for the short term.

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