Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Inferno Loop

Mohair. I love the way it looks, the way it feels, and I absolutely adore the ethereal, flyaway nature of it.

But I hate working with it. I hate it. That same ethereal, flyaway nature that makes it such a delight to look at and wear makes it a nightmare to knit. I feel like I'm working with air, I'm constantly snagging on it, and it sticks to the needle. That probably explains why this project, which should have taken less than a month, took a year.

But it's finally done! And it's absolutely gorgeous. I've actually made this project once before, and swore never to do it again. But then I saw this amazing skein of yarn at a yarn convention, and I got the mad idea to do it again.

The colors of this yarn is stunning, which is why I couldn't resist it even though it's mohair. It's got shades of red, orange, and some purple, mixed together in a gorgeous explosive blend. Knit using large needles, the tiny fibers look really open and airy, and it truly looks and feels magical.

I'm thrilled with how it turned out. But also, I'm thrilled to be done with it! Never again. (Until I fall in love with another mohair project.)


  1. Ohhh, you found some time to knit something beautiful! Love the color. Very pretty. Whenever you get the urge to knit with mohair again, reread this post! I have the same feeling about putting a velour blanket on the back of a quilt: it's painfully slow to quilt through, but oh so lovely to sleep under, especially at this time of year. Such a temptation!

  2. That’s beautiful. I love the colour.

  3. It is gorgeous! I do know what you mean about hating knitting with it. I am also finding that I do not do as much knitting, so staying away from really thin yarns is something I am trying to do....


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