Saturday, August 5, 2017

Stitches Midwest 2017

It's Stitches Midwest time! I have to admit that I've not picked up my needles much in the past few ... months. Between my longarm machine and all the quilt tops I've been making, I've been so busy and involved with quilting that I frequently forget to knit. (But I still remember how!) However, my sister-in-law still knits, and we thought it would be a great opportunity to get together and enjoy a girls' day out.

Not to mention the fact that I still do love yarn. A skein of beautiful hand-dyed yarn in muted and moody tones still takes my breath away. So even if I wasn't looking to do a lot of yarn shopping, seeing all that yarny goodness will still elevate my spirits.

But ... I did do some shopping. I found some woven bowls that I had been looking for for more than three years. And of course ... I found my people!

I was really happy to see a quilting store in the midst of all the yarn! I suppose it's not that surprising, because there is some overlap between quilters and knitters, and it seems that Knitting Universe (the company who runs Stitches events) is going toward taking advantage of that overlap and introducing a bit of a mix. I know it's a controversial decision with some knitters, but hey, if that's the direction they're going towards, it sure works for me!

So, here's my haul for the day. It's not much, and it's mostly stuff for quilting, but it was a great day and did I mention how much I love going to conventions?


  1. I love knitting too and always seem to have some small project in the works. I like that I can knit/crochet when I just have a little time and the projects are usually so portable. I've never been to a knit convention - it sounds fun! I'm glad you were able to find both your people and come away with some new goodies!

  2. Looks like a great time. Love your picks! It is nice to see both knitting and quilting together, as I too, doable in knitting. You'll enjoy Frances Firefly - but I did have a few dyslexic moments with it. It requires - good labeling of your pieces AND paying attention to the up/down, left/right slant of the lines. All doable but you need that pattern right next to you and double check before you sew. I made two of the Fancy Forest will all the animals.

  3. I knit and crochet, too. A lot of us do love all kinds of fiber arts. Smart move, getting some quilt stuff going there. Ohhh, some great fabrics! Love the bulky yarns! And those bowls!!!

  4. Oh, that bowl is gorgeous! May I ask who made it? Do they have an online store?


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