Thursday, May 5, 2016

Mod Slash Quilt ~ Quilting Decisions

I'm working on a quilt right now that I call the "mod slash" quilt. It's from volume 2 issue 1 of ModBlock by Missouri Star Quilts. The piecing of each block was incredibly easy, as it was just slash & sew, where the placement of the slash is completely up to me.

I used a layer cake to make this quilt. I really loved the layer cake, I really like the design, and my piecing job was satisfactory. BUT I'm not 100% happy with how it all came together. That just goes to show sometimes even when all the cards line up, the result isn't what you were expecting. But I will finish it, of course. I don't believe in UFOs. (UnFinished Objects.)

I pin basted it, but right now am wrestling with quilting decisions. I used to think the whole purpose of quilting is to hold the layers together, and didn't buy the whole "quilting adds another dimension of beauty to the quilt" argument. But after quilting a few projects and realizing how much I love the texture and lines the quilting adds to the quilt, now I get it. I love the look of quilting on the quilts, about as much as the piecing itself. That does present a bit of a decision dilemma, however, as there are pretty much endless options for quilting. Most patterns just say "quilt as desired." I don't even know how to free-motion quilt, but there are still endless design choices for walking foot quilting. Google Drawings has become my best friend for designing quilting. I played with 2 designs:


Sectioned Curves:

I like them both, and they both require me to stabilize the squares first, so I'll get the ditch stitching out of the way while I continue to decide which design speaks to me more.

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